I didn’t leave like other times, I only needed a break (at first). And then I NEEDED a break.

Hey you! It’s been way over a minute here, and I honestly feel so shy right now. Gosh, I’ve missed this place so much! 🥺

So, this is kinda funny because this post is coming months after my last post which was talking on my new found consistency. I think it’s a bit ironic that I went MIA soon after. Lol, truth is I didn’t leave, no not like other times. I just wasn’t able to be here. What started off as a little break, spun into something more.

I decided to make this unofficial post (at midnight here in Nigeria), out of a sense of obligation to you -my lovely readers. I feel I owe you all that much, so first of all thank you for still being here! You rock ❤️

Alright so, in August I went on a content creation spree on my Instagram page, in a self-declared #30daychallenge and it was quite the experience.

That month featured so many events in my life that were significant. One of which was that I resumed my student internship site work again, after months of hibernation in lockdown. So between daily spontaneous content creation/curation and working on construction sites, I was quite occupied.

I enjoyed my challenge though! And my Instagram community loved it too. It was a very fulfilling accomplishment for me. Afterwards, I needed a little social media break so I took it.

In September I had to deal with lots of personal things, in a sincere attempt to become a better version of myself. The need for this became more apparent, as I no longer had my content creation challenge to serve as a subtle distraction.

Also in September, I took the very huge step to launch my Statement T-shirt brand (insert screaming and jumping GIF). It was an intensive hands-on process for me as I handled a lot myself. From the ideas to the shirt design, to the social media page and shirt posters, and to all the behind the scenes brouhaha. I’m thankful for my incredible friends who encouraged, supported and have patronised the CreativiTees brand! The entire process was a truly remarkable one!

Meanwhile, I was still working fully on site (building engineer in the making 😎).

Now down to October! Woah this is one month I wouldn’t forget in a hurry. October was very significant to me personally. I continued the self development process, I started in August with all intentionality and seriousness. It was tough. Facing head-on, deep seated issues I’d ignored all this while. But I had to woman up and take the dive into recovery.

The result? Beautiful, very eye-opening. I’m still in the process though, but I can say I’m at a much better place with myself and as a person.

Content, certain and secure in Christ ❤️.

Life looks a lot clearer from where I stand, and I love to see it.

November! This new month. It’s been rather solemn so far. The youths of my country are still trying to figure out the next steps after the disappointing (but not at all surprising) response of the government to us (including threats, harassment and even more human rights infringement).

For me? I’m still very much in my process, enjoying every bit of it. Clinging to Jesus Christ with everything cos he’s been my hope and stay through it all.

This time it’s different. I can feel it. This time it’s not a surface work. I don’t know if you can tell, but even my writing feels different. There’s a newness to a lot around me right now and I’m so grateful for it.

Grateful for all that has led to this point. Including all my slapping life lessons 😂😅

So yeah, I’ve come to the end of my unofficial blog post. I can’t tell if I’m back to constantly posting yet, but I’ll allow myself flirt with the idea a bit and see where it goes 😉.

I hope you’re doing okay for yourself? Like really. Talk to me in the comments, if you would darling.

Love, light and clarity!

Bamise AKA Bamdora ❤️


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